As the end of the year approaches we are now fully booked for anything other than minor emergency electrical works until January. Here is a little electrical safety checklist that will not take you very long to complete but which will help you and your property stay safe over this busy time –

Fire Safety:

Test your smoke alarms 6 monthly (daylight saving changeover weekend is a good time to do this) and make sure that your house is protected by an adequate number of working alarms.

Smoke alarms should be located inside each bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home.

Share your fire escape plan, including the location of your outside meeting place, with your overnight guests. Everyone should know at least two ways out of each room in your home.

Keep halls, stairs, and doorways properly illuminated and free of clutter and other objects that could hinder an escape during a fire emergency.

Consider having older guests or those with mobility issues sleep on the ground floor of the house.

Decorating with Electrical Safety in mind:

Avoid overloading electrical outlets, which can overheat and cause a fire.

Do not place extension cords where they could cause a tripping hazard, like doorways.

Do not run extension cords under rugs or furniture.

Keep all decorations 3 feet away from heat sources, including space heaters and fireplaces.

Keep young visitors in mind. Place breakables, candles, and other potentially dangerous items out of their reach.

Turn off and unplug all decorations before leaving home or going to sleep.

Use only weatherproof electrical devices for outside activities. Protect outdoor electrical devices from moisture.

Make sure live Christmas trees are watered daily.

Thank you to all of our customers over 2019 and we wish you a happy and safe festive season.

Mark Rawstorn Electrical,

Canberra, ACT and Queanbeyan Electrician. 

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